And more…

We had so many amazing responses to the project that we couldn’t fit in our tiny anthology. So we’re going to show you our pick of some awesome ones here…

In Silk Black – May Dy explores the idea of having two homes, and explains her inspiration for writing the piece.

‘My hair is no longer a fable’: Breathe in the Water by Penny Pepper is a tale told by an old mermaid about finding love and acceptance in the sea.

Trout: a beautiful picture on a found record cover and a darkly comic accompanying poem by Sal Jones.

In The Yawk Yawk, Gill McEvoy turns the little mermaid story excitingly upside-down.

Kimberley Hayes speaks from the point of view of the model for Everett Millais famous painting of Ophelia in her poem Being Ophelia

An emerald stallion and a glass filled with salt appear in Sandra Burnett’s beautiful works. Two poems

Loz Atkinson’s picture Human Voices Wake Us And We Drown was inspired by TS Eliot.

Katherine Shirley explains the stories behind three poems that deal with a mermaid’s tussle with Gilbert and Sullivan, a suburban bathroom, and a siren in a swimming pool.

How to Surive the Space-Time Continuum: a poem and a picture, and musings on extremophiles and transforming negative spaces by Denise Weaver-Ross.

Robin Vaughan-Williams’ poem Channel Swimmer, accompanied by a short article on channel swimming and an interesting use of goose-fat…

Graham Burchell’s poems Brief Encounter and from Angels, Asses and Birds were inspired by Chagall, the works of Helen Dunmore, and the mermaid chair at Zennor.

Stephen Devereux re-envisions the myth of the Orford Merman and the lost city of Dunwich in two poems inspired by the Suffolk coast.


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